Heat the chopped pork fat in a pan over medium heat for about 5 minutes, until the fat is well warmed. Land the fat cool down to room temperature, and put it in a large blender or mixer
Combine the minced seal meat with the fat and stir. Blend it with the egg and spices for about 1 minute until you have a uniform paste.
Drain the marinade from the kidneys and heart and knead it together with the mince
Put the mass in a terrine form and bake in a water bath at 110 celcius for about 1 hour
Finely chop the garlic and shallots and put in a large container
Band in other ingredients in the same container – put the liver and hearts in the marinade and refrigerate for 2 hours
300 g minced seal meat
100 g minced pork fat
1 egg
1 tbsp. salt
1 tsp. Black pepper
200 g marinated seal kidney
200 g marinated seal heart
1 cup soy
1 dl grape seed oil
½ dl sesame oil
½ dl pure tomato
1 tbsp. smoked paprika
1 tsp. Black pepper
1 piece. garlic
1 shallot